Web Purchase demo
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Web Purchase demo

Scenario 1A.
Gold Coast Multi-Park Offer with Australian Outback Spectacular – Web Purchase

Start Demo ??home.section.button-advancepayment_en_GB??

Purchase With Date Selection

Gold Coast site, purchase products with required Date (performance).
Performance selection is after clicking add to cart

See products

Web Purchase All Available Events

Scenario 1B.
Gold Coast Multi-Park, see all additional events on sale by BOS.

See All Events on Sale

Web Purchase Packages

Scenario 1C.
Gold Coast Multi-Park, purchase a package

Purchase Package Packages Filtered by web

Membership Demo

Scenario 2A.
Sidney – Membership Online Purchase

Start Membership Purchase Demo

Variable Price Purchase

Buy a BOS product with variable price



Coupon Test Demo, validate a coupon code and see the result from BOS

Test Coupon

Available Resources

Resource Management With BOS demo

See available Resources

People Count

Purchase ticket with people count
FIXED group tickets
DYNAMIC group tickets
UNLIMITED group tickets

Purchase With People Count

Renew Ticket

Renew a media code by quick renew tickets or standard product list

Renew Demo

Restricted Sales

Restricted product sales, sale flow of limited products for a certain account.
For demo purposes put the account ak in url

Restricted Sales By Account

Registration Test

Registration Account Test

Registration Test

Guillotine Panel

Drag the image to move it or resize the window to check its responsiveness


Quick Upgrade

product upgrade


Dynamic price and performance range selection
